Friday, September 7, 2007

01092007-KokLeong's party

Guys.. i'm late tO post this cOz.. erm.. some problem.. hehee..
anyway.. enjoy with this yea~?
This is kOkleOng's party
at kOkleOng's hOuse, time 6.00p.m..
with purposes..
1st, He said it is gOnna be a Gathering for fOrm5..
[but end up with a leOng's be-earlied bufday..hehee..]
2nd, his brO is leaving to U.S.A.. so.. a farewell party?
nO matter wat the party's purposed tO.. erm.. i'm just cant wait for any party-party frOm these guys.. hehee...^^
but this parrty's nOt prefeCt..
becOz yiling n kingshun cannOt turn up..
tOo muCh talking..^^
let's gO thrOugh these piCs..
When me n baO reaChed leOng's hOuse.. We saw them hardwOrking'ing' dOing sOmething with the eggs..
[Can i just add sOme cOnversatiOn tO this piCs..?
but sinCe yOu r reading.. erm..^^]
bOo : yer..~~ whO made this??
leOng : kOkfei laaa...
bOo:yer~~` i dOn wanna eat anymOre.. sO ugly..!!!
fei : neh..~ p O k g a i kOkleOng made this.. macam tahi hOr?
I tasted it..
bOo : yi??nOt bad wOr..
leOng + fei : I made it~!!!!!!!!!!!!
As usual.. girls take phOto then guys dO sOmething else..

elsie + bOo

He said he's part of us.. sisters..

[sZe + elsie + bOo + baO]

sZe + elsie + bOo
yan + vyneCia + may
sOmeOne fOund out the light here nOt niCe.. cant take niCe phOto..
then sZe chanGed her camera's effects-sepia..
aiyak~!! nOt ready yet laa.. i'm gOrek'ing' ma nOse..


bOo + elsie


sZe + bOo + elsie

sZe + bOo + elsie aGain..

And take One, twO, three, fOur n.................etc

i fOund a wOrm at leOng's hOuse..

a wOrm's size maCam orang punya..


guess what???




a bOokwOrm...

nerd yang~~[jk]

eXaming sOon??

guess sO..

cOme laa.. let's take phOto k??


bOo + elsie + yang

and this is yiling's baby [bOii + bOo + tyng]

yiling's nOt with us.. exam i guess...

the future chef aCting cute.. hehee.. [jk]

bOo + fei + elsie

he's at hOngkOng with his parents.. sO gOod yea~?


this is our neway 表白的招牌动作.. hehee..

nO matter he's with us anOt.. he's still in our heart..^^

kingshun + bOo + fei

this nOtti yet kiddy guy here leh.. is ma baObeii..^^

We went upstairs..



nO la.. haha.. erm...

walk walk lOo..



we fOund sOmething cute here..

the cOlleCtiOn of pOkemOn..

but where's ma lOvely pet-psyduck??


fOund sOmething dead fishes tOo.. ^^

bOii + baO + bOo + sZe + elsie

the ten nine.. [ cantOnese ]

bOo + fei

ma baObeii with car zai...

childish~!!! but cute..

cOme cOme.. let's take pic..

ma baObeii n i..

Then.. i fOund sOmething even cute..

ah bOii~!!!

he lOcked sOme peeps inSie the cOmputer rOom..

then did sOme funny faCes tO puiee n yang...
teti teti bubu.. blueKk..~~~
haha.. cute bOii..

I fOund the rOom a bit out of air as there r tOo many ppl in this party..

sOo.. i went out frOm the rOom.. and i fOund them..

bei + bOo



wen n her baby iVan..~~

sweet cOuple with a sweet huGg..^^

dO i sCared vyneCia away frOm miie??


bOo + vyneCia + yan + may



a while later...

i fOund leOng's nOt with us after he make the sandwiches with miie..

so.. i went dOwnstairs aGain..

ta-daa~!! i fOund him.. preparing sOme fOod n drinks..
sO cham huhh??
20 minutes later..
the fOods are ready...
thanks leOng..~ n his brO..


after fOoding, went upstairs a g a i n~~

take phOto a g a i n~~

this time is with reasOn..

we wanna drag sOmetime tO let sOmebOdy prepare the birthday cake..

wen + bei : aiyak~!! cant manage tO grab him tim!!

bOo : nvm nvm.. aGain, aGain..

iVan + wen + leOng + puiee

and miie

up there.. left.. [jk]

"leOng!! take phOto!! phOto!!"

"yea yea~!! phOto..!! y u sO busy geh?? dO this dO that.."

"i alsO wan tO take with leOng laa..!!"

"this one nOt pretty laa.. aGain pls..!!"

"hey!! i wan tO take with him alsO..!! yer.. when's ma turn?"

"nOt enOugh..!! aGain!!"



and kOk leOng was like.. "okok.. again again.."

i guess he is thinking "wth laa this ppl.. sO weird..~!!"


sO.. yOu knOw y nOw??

leOng + bOo

leOng + yang

leOng + bOo aGain

the oNe saying "this one nOt pretty laa.. aGain pls..!!"

leOng + may

and this is elsie n brandOn..

i brOUght this surpriSe.. hehee..^^

and i guess.. they r ready with the cake yea~?

yes, they r..
wen + bei
pic was taken blurly.. technical prOblem.. -_-"
"Happy birthday tO yOu,
Happy birthday tO yOu,
Happy birthday tO kOkleOng,
Happy birthday tO yOu...!!!"

happy be-earlied birthday, kOkleOng..

with ma beSt wishes fOr yOu!! ^^

friends fOrever..

pi piak~!!!

er?? wat happened??

aiyak~~!! shy shy tim..

whO did this??


aCt asthma...

sO nOtti hOr?

leOng : balas dendam~!!! dOn run!!!

thOse whO kena cream...



n yang is kena as well but nO phOto.. sOrry yea~

the wOrst one.. leOng..

I fOund jenn is still sticking with da cOmputer n o2jaming with his speCs..

sO seriOus huh??

"arrgh~~ cant wash!! cant wash!!"

"use facial fOam laa.. bOdoh~!!"


dOne~!! leng zai??

fOund RM200..
bOo : i hOpe i can take these out..
may : then we share.. okak, okay???


y pOinting??


"oOo~ i gOtta gO already.. yOu guys enjOy yea~?"




"oOo.. bye..!!!!"

vyneCia n yang r gOing hOme..

and that little weird thing in the middLe is nOt hOming yet..

she's lala mui instead of cinderella.. hehee.. [jk]

wan "qiOng强 gang 镜 tao 头" oni..

then.. the whOle hOuse quiet dOwn as leOng's brO went KLIA..

We sit in a circle and start tO gOssip n talk abOut our cOllege/aCademy's life..

may fOUnd sOMething cute on my hand..

a little mOuse..^^

arOund 11.00p.m.. we leaVe leOng's hOuse..

baOn tOck wang is playing with their car..

suppOsed tObe very near but when i said i wanna take phOto.. they reversed..

sOo.. nvm laa.. phOto oni ma..


after that.. tOckwang n kOkyeOng went ma hOuse tO yam cha..

then we went hOme arOund 1.30a.m...

i'm gOnna miss this kind of gathering aGain..~~



Leo Gan said...

wahhh i have been waiting for this blog from u long times agoo!! Finally u posted up!!! Kekee.. yrs is the most complete version among the rest one le!! photo oso better!! interesting!! hehe.. din know that upstairs happen so many things o!! seriously, house really too small le, even myself oso can feel the hot sumore full wif crowd! Next time i will have a bigger space fer u and make sure i get everythin done before u guyz come to my house! that day was a tiring day er.. Keke.. U r raelly smart er.. draw a column there represent kingshun!! i help u put the real body there la!! look fake but atleast got the face ma.. hehe..

thanks alot o buddiesss ~
looking forward for the next party!!

miss U guyz alott...

:: booboo :: said...

wOw~~ wat a lOng cOmment.. yea~ very busy n nO chance t O use pc last few weeks.. feel happy also when can upload.. i planned tO put his faCe there geh, but when i know i got the chance tO use the cOmp, it's a bit tOo late tO edit sOme of the pics.. sO.. i just let it be lo.. hehee.. neh.. the clOne yOu taught me last last time.. hehee..^^ rememba? i dOn mind abOut the plaCe at all.. if tOo big then wOnt be that fun anymOre, everyOne dOing their own thing.. PLUS it is nOt small k.. hOt is becOz tOo many ppl jOr.. mOre than 30 if i'm not mistaken?? hehee..^^ thanks fOr the invitatiOn tOo!! thanks leOng.. friends fOreva..~