We haUnted fOr fOod at Giant..
This two little kids felt boring sO they did this in the carpark..
We planned tO gO genting by bus, saving eXpenses..
we went pLaza rakyat...
fOund our bus...
...............On the way.................
a bit blur cOz zOominG till the maXx jOr..
'LauYa' phOne..
................abOut 1 hour later...............
We reaChed and went intO cabLe car...
baObeii + JM
aiyak~!! i cant managed tO fit intO it..
leftt out..
Nvm.. i'M here~!!^^
aCting cOol.. uet~~[vOmit]
bOo : hey~!! lOok here..!!
aiyaK~ bad skill..
half JM..
..........10-15 minutes later.........
We reaChed Genting..
we went MC as JM requested...
We are actually waiting fOr baObeii's uncLe t O check in the rOom fOr us..
but he's only free after 10.00p.m..
We gOtta wait...
We walk here n there.. sOmeOne deCided tO play snOoker..
sO we walked there..
while we are on the way, we saw Recurve...
JM said he wanna try..
sO anOther 2 little kids jOined but i never..
The peOple put on the ??? oN their hand...
lOoks cOol hUh?
JM is in actiOn..
aren't they lOoked sO damn cOol..
Let's c their reSuLt..
Erm.. wait.. i gOt nO idea whiCh resuLt is whOse..
sOo.. juSt fOrget abOut it..
After reCurving.. We went snOoker..
I'm nOt jOining aGain.... hehee.. cOz a bit tiring.. and dizzy..
..I feel like peeing..
i walked away.. i gOt nO idea where's the tOilet lOcated.. sO i planned tO waLk + shOp..
When they are dOne, We went walk walk again..
I saw this biG thingie.. it attracted miie..
I saw peOple threw mOney in.. sO.. i fOllOwed..
JM piCked ma $$ up.. and i scOlded him then i threw again..
This repeated few times.. and he collected ma $$..
He said : 20cents can go tOilet k..!! dOn waSte..!!
I said : i juSt wanna try out wat so speCial abOut this..
Then i threw again.. This time ma $$ drOp intO the hOle.. with a $$ drOpping's sOund..
that's all..
eVeryOne stuCked fOr a minute..
Then lauGhed lOudly..
Then we went Ridley's.. We fOund sOme funny thingie...
I fOund yiling's faVourite.. Harry Potter.......'s speCs... Nerdy miie..~~
bUt this specs cacat coz only 1 kaki..
sO i hOld it..^^
JM fOund this.. He fOrCed us tO guess his weiGht..
The reSult..
O kg..
rOsak jOr..
sOmeOne deCided bumper car..
nO replied = agreed
The guys' Waist pain, neck pain, ass pain n blablabla..
'fan sei'...!!
JM + bOo
-JM + DerriCk + CM + bOo-
Then DerriCk aka kwOng zai deCided tO play cards at starbuCks..
nObOdy disagree b'cOz nObody knOw wat eLse can we dO other than tO wait...
DerriCk (2)
CM's phOne rang..
His unCle called as he reached Hotel Resort..
We went tO the Bell Service tO get back our luggage...
His unCle checked in, gave us the key-card..
We went 4th floor..
Got in the rOom
a n d
After that.. we eat cup nOodles n drink this..
oOo.. nO~!!
JahnMun (1)
ChoonMun (2)
Boo (1)
DerriCk (3)
the lOser is Derrick!!!
k.. Let's cOntinue..
eVeryOne's eXhausted.. sO.. we went into bed and sleep..
at niGht.. i fOund myself nOt cOmfOrtable.. i woke ma baObeii up tO accOmpany miie..
When i felt better only we slept again..
The neXt day~!! 29082007
I woke befOre everyOne did.. i bathe then make up..
Got VicO as ma breakfast..
Then sOon..
JM n CM wOke.. They busied setting their hair..
Just waxing normally..
"tired ma..............."
And me.. waited boringly fOr them tO get ready..
And DerriCk is still inside his blanket...
[i'm sOrry derriCk.. JK]
Being a witCh while waiting fOr DerriCk tO snOoke..
The winner with a weird prOud lOok..
What is this aCtivity called?
They are preparing fOr this aCtivity..
Just keep cLimbinG...
3 little spidey's'...
The winners~!!!
yOu knOw-i knOw..^^
wOndering wat is he dOinG?
Ma baObeii lazied tO 派牌, sO he walked away..
abOut 30 minutes liddat..
The taXi came..
And we leave Genting..
GoOdbyee, Genting Highland..~!!
T h e E n d
Aiya...so happy o..
hope can go wit bao again next time...hope tat we can got more good memory in bao bao de blog...
den next time we can share wit our son n daughter...hehe...
althought is just few day,but remember???Genting is our 2 good memories...izzit??still remember first time we go???hehe...k ba...hope can we can go "Redang" by de next...den must take many many pic..MuAcKsSs...
hehee.. thanks baObeii~!! i lOve yOu..~ yea~ we shOuld kept mOre memOries fOr sOn or dauGhter.. hehee.. think until sOo far le..^^ but happy hOr? of cOz i remembered the 1st time we went genting.. that time really malang but yet it's a sweet memories fOr the bOth of us when think baCk yea~? ^^
hey boo boo.. having so much fun in Genting huh? Neva invite me.. hmmph~ no la.. just kidding.. hahaha.. this boo boo very leng leng di wo... when u gonna teach me make up.. hehe...i want to learn from pro ma... take care ya...hehe.. thanks for ya msg in cbox.. muacks..
girl.. i'm sOrry.. i was too rushed tO ask coz cm's uncle confirmed us few days be4 28082007..^^ hehee.. where gOt leng leng.. sze even prettier.. always the prettiest in everyOne's heart n mine tOo.. <3
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