Friday, August 17, 2007

15082007 - 'cLass'..

[wat we dO when we are tOo bOred inSide the cLass..]
MaltOse chriStmas tree..^^
tO make this cute littLe thinG...
preparatiOns :

a wax heater.. [or a pot..]

maltOse inside the heater..

this is tongue what what what...
after preparations..
  1. 2 persOn
  2. cOmfOrtable seats n
  3. pOse are needed..
cOz this is tiring..
here we gOo..!!

[bOo + phOebe]

in the prOcess..

  1. get the maltOse frOm the heater, tarik until long long..
  2. when it started tO drOp dOwn thinner only put another stick under the maltose then turn turn n turn..
  3. repeat, repeat n repeat...












ta-daa~~!!! dOne jOr lOo..^^

[i knOw this is uGly but i tried ma beSt.. hehee..^^ sO cute hOr?]


seriOusLy, i lOve it.. sOo muCh..^^

i can't brinG this hOme aCtually..


sOmeone deCided tO destrOy it..

gOoddbyeee ma little christmas tree..


on the way tO X_X

half X_X

mati sudah ni...~~~~~~ sObZz...~


Leo Gan said...

wahhh so good o! still got maltose to make! yr course is so excited le! tot is just face and body.. but still got nail paint, maltose and etc etc .. good good .. i m wondering yr maltose is make of honey or not le.. can eat or not de ?

:: booboo :: said...

haha.. actually this maltose is very dirty geh.. that's for waxing a r m p i t.. haha.. cant eat.. YUX!! if u wanna try i curi some for u k? hehee..~