Wednesday, August 15, 2007

13082007-Sunway Piramid

I saw shUn's miss called at 12p.m when i woke up lazily frOm ma dream..~ he asked whether i wanna gO sUnway tO meet ma girl-Elsie.. em.. yes of cOz and when i dOne with ma preparatiOn, shUn reaChed ma hOuse n we waited fOr leOng tO fetCh us tO sUnway..
Main charaCter : Elsie Wong

we met her...
Elsie : phOto!! phOto!!

elsie : i'm hunGry~!!!
i wOnder why aren't any better suggestiOns other than MC..

Elsie + shun

shun is shOwing his single n double eyelid..

sinGle eyelid.. [nOrmal one]

dOuble eyelid [abnOrmal, jk]

shun : whiCh one better?

may : yer~!!! double eyelid very ugLy...

bOo + elsie + may

leOng + bOo + may

[ma besties fOr life..]

elsie + shun

they are just tOo hunGry..~

elsie's fOod.. she dun like the best part.. wat a waste..

bOo + elsie

leOng + bOo

[thanks sOo muCh fOr driVing me here and there..^^'

ma 2 new frenz.. [fad n anna]

niCe tO meet yOu guys..^^

on our way tO 'da gei'... 1st- danCing maChine [ we are not dancing but watching.. ], 2nd- 'red, green, blue's machine', 3rd- daytOna...^^

hehee..^^ our shOe nehx..

bOwLing time with the smelly n brOkie shOe..

bOo + elsie

our shOe..

shUn + bOo

[bOwLing reminded us abOut our reset time at bukit tinggi's bowling centre]

sOmeOne suggested tO gather at elsie's hOuse fOr maggie mee..

sOmeOne lagi suggested tO watCh this mOvie [2oo pOunds]...

a tOuch oNe..

I really enjOyed..

I lOve them..


Like it or not, It is meee! said...

gurl gurl!!!i love you too!!!muahhh!!!i lorrvee hanging out with you guys!!luvee u guys!!next time we go out again yea!!!okok??
miss u prettyyy gurl!

Leo Gan said...

Aiyor.. next time if u dont feel like eating MC then must speak out ma! no more MC we eat KFC!! hehe.. dont have to be so polite la! my pride to fetch u guyz le. moreover the sunway road so nice!! no car!! can Speeeeeeddd!!! wahaha.. shuang shuang!! but after u told me bout the speed catching then i dont dare to speed liao le..

:: booboo :: said...

hehee.. shuang shuang ar?? u thought u r "tok hoi" ar? the distance between the car and the tiang lampu 0.5cm/mm hor? "hak sei ngo".. but this can make our heart beat faster and pump more blOod.. 血液循环, no more heart attack.. hehee..^^