Tuesday, March 25, 2008

08032008- Desa Water Park

i'm blOg accOrding with what i gOt and fOund frOm my file..hehee..

Desa Water Park

We wOke up early in the mOrning..
the peOples are pOhsin-bOo~, maY, cM, yeewei, ,jennkwan and bengteck..
erm..this is a public hOliday, i fOrgot what day it was..
after breakfast, we straight gO water park..
it was a clOudy day..
they ignOred me fOr putting sunblOck fOr them..
nVm lO..then i'll put on ma own..
"they'll regret.."
the guuys sOmemOre take out their shirts..
except fOr cM, clever bOii..nGek~


nOt much tO play actually.. very little peOple onlyy..
sO we play games cOntinuously..nO queue..happy~

after game, phOto~

aiks~maY's face was cOvered..



- T H E E N D -

we went fOr dinner after that..

i feel sun burning~




and few days later, all of us were sun burnt..peeling badly..

except fOr me n cM, nOt sO seriOus..nGek~we are clever..

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