Our rules fOr the day..
bring own make up set..
wear nice nice clOthes..
reaChed academy jOr lO..
everyOne busy making up..
heheee..^^ i lOve this..
erm.. erm..
an hOur later..
all dOne~!
The five's' fOr tOday..^^
ma fake eyelashes...^^[cant c huh?]
my eyelash~!! saw?
weird huh? cant get used tO it.. maybe slOwly will..
and i jOined..
i lOok sO "yammm jin"..
red ---> yellow ---> green
i wOnder whO suggestiOn is this..
sOmebOdy caught ma weird aCt n fOrcing miie tO dO it again in frOnt of the camera's videO mOde.. sO bad huh??
phOebe + viCky
ma turn tO balas dendam..
OMG~!! the mess...and ma legs..
went mam mam..
[bOo + phOebe]
2.30p.m.. our breakfast..
ma dessert-iCe-cream.. nyam nyamm..^^
caught the other fOur tO take pic with miie..
ngek ngek..~
annie + bOo
get ready tO faCial and say gOodbye tO ma eyelashes n make up..
phOebe n viCky dO me hand scrub n hand mask..
erm.. 30 minutes later..
ta-daa.. me...
"bOo~ yOu lOoked cute.."phOebe said..
"nO lO.. i'm cuter lO.."viCky said..
my boo boo!!is always the cutest one!!tehehheee!! so cute larh u!! muah muah muah!! c u tomolo lorhh!!! Yayy!!!!!!!! <3
hehee.. thanks girl.. cant wait tO c yOu.. pretty girl.. hehee... muacks.. c yOu..^^
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