Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our Gathering

Em.. i got no idea with the purpOse of this partyyy so i called it 'gathering' with the theme 'lala'.. ma eX-theme or ma-always theme.. hehe.. but still not easy to prepare nehxx..
[miie n ma baObeii's preparatiOnSss-V are wOrkiNg quite hard fOr this theme.. let's
C hOw hard ya~]

baObeii : baO, is thiS lala enOugh?
bOo : ya..~ quite.. but lOoks fat up there n tinY dOwn there oOo~
wat if nO jaCket?
bOo : haha.. better nehxx?

that'S ma baObeii's laSt lOok tO party..~~!!!

and it's mA turn nOw..
ma preparation... but i neva managed to wear them.. hehe.. i changed into another 'lala' custome..
after all preparations, the postponed n postponed party on 28072007 came.. i'm really desperating 4 this party..

=+phOto time+=

4 darLinGs.. [bOo, LinG, sZe, eLsie]

oUr lala's hair...

[eLsie, sZe, bOo]
LinG: pOhsin, puSh up sOmemOre..[yOur breaSt]
bOo : i'm aerOpLane laa..

mA lOvely prinCess n me..

Gan kOk LeOng n miie..

ma baObeii n feii...

uS aGain...~

i'm juSt lOvinG her..~

[sZe + bOo]

she's mine..!! [jk]

uh-Oh~~ i fOrget tO paiNt shUn's bLack LaLa naiL nehxx.. hehe.. tOo exCited...let'S c.. let'S c...

lOok at hiS faCe.. he thinKs that i cant paint well.. let's wait fOr the reSuLt..

bOo : i'M prOfessiOnaL beaUtiCian lehxx.. haha...

leOng is cauGht painting naiL aLso..

fei is paintiNg his naiL tOo..

ta-daaa... dOne~!! i saiD it's gOnna be very very smOoth n baLance.. i'm nOt a liar ok.. haha..

it's oUr dinner tiMe..

[shUn, leOng n ma baObeii-ah baO or chOonmUn]

[bOii, fei, LinG n shUn]

kOkfei~~!! there r still fOod-hOtdOg on da tabLe..

oOo~ seenGah was caUght takin phOto with ma ah baO.. [ zhem ju lOng]

[yan, may, vynecia, shark n yanG]

wanG: leOng tOok ma banana..!!

[wanG, penG, leonG]

==where m i?==

[ t a k i n g p h o t o ]

we knew eaCh other sinCe fOrm oNe..^^

[yan, bOo, may]

bOo: hey~!! i'm nOt ready yet..

haha.. gOod gOod.. our neway's pOse..^^

CraZy taking phOto.. ^^ oWh.. i need fOod...~~~

ma baObeii give me banana..~~

i lOve banana...~

the always permenant wet dOgz.. lOve u guuys..

[shUn, ,bOo, fei]

+= gaMe=+

befOre the gaMe, phOto time aGain..~

the cOupLe.. [bOii+LinG n bOo+baO]

sWeet huh? hehe..

[eLsie, LinG, bOo, nGah]

pOser [eLsie, shUn, sZe, bOo]

oO~ i'm tiring..~~~


.....T h e E n d.....


Like it or not, It is meee! said...

boo boo!!!teehee..Yay!!u created a blog oso!!gud gud!muz update often yea..luv ya!muah!!

Leo Gan said...

Booooooo.. Great POst! Great Layout!! feel comfortable when reading, everythin is arranged in order! Thankz for colored my nail. it was equally tidy, neat and nice!!! TQ^^

Like it or not, It is meee! said...

teehee..poh sin ar...the chatterbox??

shermainey said...

hehe... boo... got blog.. din tell me la.. bad badnya..wahahaha.. upload often okiez?

Luv ya..


Leo Gan said...

Heyy .. did you customize yr blogg?? i remembered the 1st time wasnt like that de wor...

haha .. u always can come out somethin meaningful phrase de!
Now is...



dont understand.. next time explain to me a !!!

YR blog "中西合拼" looks MARVELOUS!!